Wednesday, September 10, 2014

My Personality Type

My Personality Type

My personality type was calculated to be an ISTJ, which is a quiet, serious, but dependable person. It says that I am responsible and work hard while staying organized. I was 1% away from being an INTJ, that is described as the scientist personality. INTJs are very independent individual who is extremely analytical, constantly studying the world around them. I have the same personality types as Isaac Newton, Steven Hawking, George Washington and Dwight D. Eisenhower.

I feel that both personality types fit me well, but INTJ describes me better than ISTJ. I'm not very traditional, and don't like to do things by the book as much. I enjoy experimenting and researching new ideas about the world. My personality type fits how I interact with others. I am quiet and study people, not speaking as much  as others would. I do not enjoy being in a large group of people, just a few friends here and there. I work hard and try to be perfect, and sometimes I would describe myself as a perfectionist.

When on a team, I tend to be the one who comes up with good ideas and finds answers easily. I have to initiate all chores around the house and make sure my siblings help me get them done. I take the lead when needed, and get the job done as quickly and efficiently as I can. People will perceive me as quiet and boring, but I am just unsure of strangers and tend to watch how they act to assume their personality

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