There are many ways to add color to a web page, but how do you know what type to use?
It is important to use color in websites to complement the information on the page. There are four codes that can be used. Using color will support whatever mood you want the viewer to feel. Color can be the difference between a good website and a bad one.Color Names
It is possible to simply type what color the specified text will be. To do this, create a color style for whatever contains the text (h1, body, etc.). Then, type a color such as blue or darkred in the color style to change the color of the text.
In Hexadecimal code, there are 16 variables that affect how much red, green, and blue are in a color. These variables are 0-9, and A-F. To set this up, add a div tag and add a color style to it. To specify the color, type in a combination of the 16 variables. 0 represents no color, while F represents full color. There are 6 numbers in the Hexadecimal color code. The first two numbers represent red, the second two, green, and the last two affect blue. The color code is set up like this: #FFFFFF.
Good job - just add a little space between sections. Why do I get pop-ups and redirects when i go to your blog? Yikes....