Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The Interview

During this course I learned many useful things including how to edit correctly, use shortcut keys including the spacebar that pauses and plays the video, shift z that allows you to see your whole video in the viewer,  J, K, and L which rewind, pause, and fast forward, and control I that sends your video out as a master file, which you can then use to upload to Youtube and Blogger. I learned that working with a camera takes time and people don't always agree on the same thing, which forces you to alter ideas and thoughts. I might stay in video development but I will have to see if I enjoy animation, graphic design and web design. I am happy that I found out about Final Cut Pro. It is a great tool to use when editing and I hope to get it for my personal use, but it is $300! Overall, I enjoyed my experience in video and might continue in the video strand, and I learned about Final Cut Pro and many shortcut keys and hope to use these skills later as I progress in my life.

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