Friday, November 14, 2014

My Logo

Over the duration of this project many problems arose that required correction. Over many days the product was refined and altered so it would stand out. When using the computer software, all of the shortcut keys were crucial to success like command F, D, and Z. My friends assisted in coming up with a perfect design and the final product would not have turned out as well without their input.

When creating my logo, I made sure to use certain colors to convey a message to my viewers. I chose to use the two colors orange and blue to symbolize friendliness and trust, because my logo is for Josh's Gum ball Factory, which is centered for families. I tried to use a fun looking font and a circle representing a gum ball, and to show the wholesome feel of the company. I used the gradient fill on the circle to allow the illusion of a three dimensional gum ball. I put into consideration how the logo shouldn't be too complicated, and I pictured what the logo would look like on packages and bags so I can see what the viewer would think when they saw it in multiple forms. I thought that the font, having rounded edges and a welcoming essence would invade families to visit and feel wanted with this logo. 

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